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Credit (ACME Photo by Andrew Lopez, War Pool Correspondent) Ī Frenchman Returns Home. Civilians who evacuated their homes returned to find only a wall or two left, and often members of their families lay dead in the ruins. Sauveur is a mass of rubble and fragments of buildings left standing after the Germans fled from the town. Sauveur, France – All that remains of St. Simon’s camera recorded the heroic mercy treatment rendered a fallen comrade in the midst of landing operations. Sidney Simon, who was in on the Wakde Island invasion as an observer for the U.S.


This unusual series showing on-the-spot first aid for a fighting man was made by 1st Lt. WAKDE ISLAND – As the second wave of infantrymen charge ashore in the assault on Wakde Island, one of the invaders slips to his knees in the surf, hit by Jap machine gun fire. Sidney Simon from ACME įIRST AID FOR AN INVADER – 1. Except for the mercy worker, all fighters keep their heads low to avoid the murderous fire from enemy pillboxes and machine gun nests that streams out over the water. WAKE ISLAND – The wounded fighter has dropped his head to the wet sand, lying there weakly as the bullet holes in his back are cleansed and dressed. Sidney Simon from ACME įIRST AID FOR AN INVADER – 4. Another felled warrior lies in foreground. The fighting man whose first aid treatment was rendered swiftly and efficiently at the water’s edge lies weakly on the stretcher as it is carried toward the big landing vessel at left. WAKDE ISLAND – The menacing Japanese fire has been silenced now, and medical corps litter bearers have come ashore to collect and evacuate the wounded. Sidney Simon from ACME įIRST AID FOR AN INVADER – 5. In center one of the invaders hurries to the assistance of his fallen buddy, stealing a hurried glance toward shore at the same time.


WAKE ISLAND – Tense and determined, our infantrymen hug the wet sand as they move through the surf, rifles in hand and full packs strapped to their backs. Sidney Simon from ACME įIRST AID FOR AN INVADER –2. Fighting man in center has ripped the shirt from his buddy’s back, and begins to dress the wound. WAKE ISLAND – Fire from Jap machine gun nests and pillboxes streams hotly from the shore, but first aid treatment for the wounded man, who was dragged to this point by his comrades, continues. Credit-WP-(ACME) įIRST AID FOR AN INVADER – 3. This town was taken by Anzio forces of the Allied Fifth Army in the early stages of the drive on Rome. Troops are in pursuit of the Germans who had used the castle for a fortress. Italy – A long line of Jeeps, American cavalry, winds through the ruins of what was once a proud castle in Cisterna, Italy. Following tradition, their hats fly into the air as they cheer following the distribution of diplomas. ANNAPOLIS, MD – The largest class of midshipmen in the history of the United States Naval Academy graduated June 7th. Credit: (ACME) įUTURE ADMIRALS FOLLOW TRADITION. casualties during the early landings along the coast of France. France – His head battered, his face streaked with sweat and dirt, and his eyes mirroring the horror he has seen, an American soldier (right), keeps watching the battle down the beach as his hand is bandaged by a medical corpsman. Credit-WP-(ACME Photo by Charles Seawood, War Pool Correspondent) Beachhead forces faced bitter resistance here.

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New York Bureau Gutted homes are all that remain of the town of Cisterna.

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The Pontine Marshes, flooded by the Germans in an attempt to impede the Allied march, are also seen in photos which were taken from an artillery observation plane. Italy – Taken by Charles Seawood, ACME News Pictures War Pool Correspondent, these pictures show some of the towns, former battlefields, through which the Fifth Army has marched and fought in the current offensive in Italy. He shows part of the ‘chute that brought him to France to Cpl. Va., one of the returned soldiers, as a paratrooper landed behind enemy lines the night before D-Day. The hero liberators were taken to the base hospital for a check-up before their removal to other hospitals. New York – Thirteen soldiers and one Navy Seabee, all casualties of the Battle of Normandy, arrived in New York by hospital plane from England, Mitchel Field officials revealed today. Through the two flyers, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has purchased $40,000 in war bonds during the fifth war loan drive. Hall has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Both pilots have flown in the Mediterranean Theater, and Capt. Custis, Hartford, Conn., are devoting their furloughs to the sale of war bonds. Hall (right) of Brazil, Ind., and Lemuel R. NEW YORK - Home on leave after flying with the 99th Fighter Squadron, famed all-negro flying group, Capts Charles R.

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